Normally, I'd make fun of these wine dorks stomping around California wine country drinking every bottle of Pinot Noir that's not nailed down...if I wasn't too busy surfing Orbitz for good fares to Santa Barbara.
The Greatest Wine Store in the Entire World is having a gigundo sale on, well...it looks like everything. Which wouldn't be such a big deal except that this place is already cheap as is - remember (one) of our mottoes here at Dispatches - In Vino Veritas - In Vilis Vino, Plura Veritas.
Nice wine glasses are too damn tall - especially those superfancy, superpricey Riedel bowls - they're accidents waiting to happen. Until now.
I don't normally drink whites, but I have a special place in my heart for this Fumé-Blanc. Don't drink two bottles of it in a hopsitality suite in Washington D.C., however, no matter what the circumstances. It doesn't sit well. Or so I've heard.
1 comment:
"Don't drink two bottles of it in a hopsitality suite in Washington D.C., however, no matter what the circumstances. It doesn't sit well. Or so I've heard."
And if, perchance, you don't heed this warning and do it anyway, NEVER NEVER EVER order a big ol' room service breakfast with poached eggs. Your friends will never stop making fun of you (mouths full of your $40 breakfast of course) while you run to the restroom to relieve your stomach of its contents.
Just a thought.
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