Monday, April 25, 2005

CHEKIT: Never promise anything to Honeysuckle.

I promised Honeysuckle I'd put this up. Before I saw the picture. Stupid, STUPID.

It was New Year's. That's all I'm gonna say about it. Except that I looked much better in the tuxedo when I was vertical.

I tried looking for something evil and incriminating to use against her - but all I could come up with was this. I'm a little tired and no good dirty takes on omlet-making come to mind. As soon as come up with something nasty, image or insult-wise, I'll let you know.


Anonymous said...

Remind me never to make YOU an omelet. Pansy.

Justin Hyde said...

1. Is Theo lying in garbage here?
2. Has Theo ever been so close to lying prone near a woman?
3. Why can't I get that stupid TV movie starring Rosie O'Donnell as a mentally handicapped sibiling out of my mind?