Secret Squirrel and I were walking up to the Gingerman a few weeks back when I spotted the sign in front of the Metro next door: "KRS-One w/Brand Nubian." Double-taking my way up to the bouncer, I thought: firstily - I didn't even know Brand Nubian was still performing. Secondly, I didn't even know KRS-One was still alive.
But, evidentially, they are and he is, and together they'd drawn quite a crowd - of all shapes and sizes - and one of them - the very cool, very enthusiastic and peripatetic VV - sat down next to us, and while polishing off a drink before the show, made it clear to Secret and I how much she loves these guys. While going on about her worship of Brand Nubian (the girl was wearing a BN T-Shirt and had brought along a couple of flavored-paper hand-rolls she was gonna try to pass up to the crew) she offered us some fruit-funky smoke-time which we politely declined. Still, it was kinda cool, hearing her still getting it up for these old-schoolers. I could tell you how much - but seeing as I have all the street credibility of a Rotarian, I'll let VV step up and represent - she sent us an email after the show:
Hey ya'll!VV wasn't the only one holdin' it down that night - I noticed our bartender was sporting a Windy City Rollers shirt - and when I asked her about it, she copped to the badassness that is a Chicago-area Women's Roller Derby league (Lucy Furr, as she's known on the track, is clearly adorable and tough - and apparently dating Satan.) Dudes and dudettes, they're having a fundraiser in April and matches in May. And you and I are going. No joke. And if you're feeling skittish about hot chicks giving each other forearm bashes to the face, I'm sure VV can make sure you have a real smoothed-out time.
I promised that I would keep u updated on what happened at the show. It was energetic and unbelievable! If u did not aready know, Brand Nubian originally consisted of four members. Grand Puba, Sadat X (formerly Derreck X), Lord Jamar(l) and DJ Alamo. Although Alamo left some time ago, the three tour together regularly. I had a chance 2 see them for a second time last year @ the Empty Bottle ( of all places!). Although I respect Jamar and Sadat, I am a crazy Grand Puba fan. When they both hit the satge w/out Puba, I figured that they would perform a couple cuts and then Puba would come out and do some of his solo stuff. After two songs, they regretfully announced that he was not performing. I was so pissed! I stood there with my arms crossed for about three minutes, decided it was not in my best interest to pout, and enjoyed the rest of the show.
KRS-1 (Knowledge Reigns Supreme over nearly every-1) came on the stage almost immediately and the crowd went bonkers! If it was packed be-4 he came on, it sure seemed a lot closer in a heartbeat. I have not seen him perform in about five years and his energy and showmanship is still unparallel. He did a lot of his well-known songs and even more obscure (for the casual listener) stuff. It was rockin'! He had breakers get up on the stage and dance--they were all shorties. This just goes to show that his reputation as "The Teacher" is well-founded. He threw out tennis balls with messages written on them. I caught one and the guy in front of me tried relentlessly 2 ungrip my hand. I held tight and won. I have a tight grip and an even tighter left hook (the ball was in my right hand), but KRS kept harping about peace, unity, and having fun--so I let it go.
The show did not end til' after 2:00 a.m. I was a little worse for wear the next morning, but we must prevail! I hope that all is well with you!
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