Wednesday, March 02, 2005

MUZIK: Update on my main girl KE

I've been trawling the web for reviews of Kathleen Edwards' new CD, and so far the reviews have been pretty positive. I mean, after last night's rock-out and sweet mugging on Letterman, who wouldn't be charmed by those lyrics:

i've got ways to make you come
back to me

I've never wanted to be the nameless, faceless object of country-song heartbreak more in my entire life.

Now, understand - I'm as prone to hyperbolize as the next person - but perhaps not as prone as our man Scavedot (I'm quoting from his comments here):
Comparing Kathleen to Sheryl Crow is, well, its a fucking crime. God knows Theo has been guilty of some henious shit in his day, usually involving trash cans, Sam's Club booze and Kool Aide, but this is on par with comparing Heather Graham to Jennifer Garner. Sure, Garner is pretty and all, but she's still a Ben Affleck robot, where as Heather is an original. (Doubters, need I reminded you of License to Drive?) Plus, I've been to Kennett. Not good.

Here's the deal. I worship at the altar of Belleville, Ill. You can have your Radiohead and The Strokes and those ass clown siblings who don't count simply because they're from Detroit. (Shudder.) I'll take the boy from Bellevegas anyday, and the fact is, Jeff is still taking up multiple slots in the changer more than a decade since he started punching out records. And yet, after listening to Back to Me, I've got just six words: "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot: It's that good."
Then again, I haven't heard the album yet. I hope he's right.


Anonymous said...

YHF good? No, no, no, no. This is what happens when everyone gets a computer -- words get used improperly. KE has made a pretty good sophomore album, but its no platter for the ages. If you need things placed on the Wilcontinum, it's the first disc of "Being There."

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's more like what happens when people get home drunk from the bar and then start using words on the computer. The way Kathleen's disc starts, then down shifts into a different range, is something I've heard from a small few, with JT among them. But upon futher reflection after a wicked hangover _ it's still mighty good _ but Theo's right about the hyperbole. (Damn you, Miller High Life.)

That concession aside, my original point of the post stands. It may be a misdimeanor to compare YHF to BTM, but it's a capital felony to compare Sheryl Crow to Kathleen Edwards. And Kennett sucks.